Sunday, February 26, 2012

I want more


I want more pictures I want more love I want more friends I want more time I want more books I want more pairs of pants I want more talent I want more to say I want more art I want more paint I want more dreamy songs I want more pens to write with I want more dreams in the night and moments in a day I want more diners to go to I want more homes because I lost the one I had I want more things I want more ideas in my head I want more postcards I want more movies to have seen I want more intellect I want more good people in my life I want more pizza in my belly I want more people to add to my will and think about when I think about dying I want more seasons in the year I want more memories in my mind and promise in my future I want more socks I want more beautiful things, not bittersweet things I want more laughs in a day I want more people to wrap my arms around I want more fish to keep the oceans sound I want more people to make me feel like I should be alive I want more cameras I want more film I want more darkrooms I want more people to care I want more rain forests I want more surviving endangered species I want more trees to exist I want more children to live I want more of you, I want you to want more of me  I want more to love
to be loved.


  1. We all want something. Usually money or personal growth. Since when do you update this often?

  2. Right? When I'm feeling very thoughtful. An outpour of thought with no outlet except you. Plus, I felt bad.
